Monday, September 17, 2007


Well... I was thinking of something deep to write today, but nothing came to my head. Oddly enough, I couldn't think of anything silly to write about either... I'm at a proverbial loss for words. My life has not given me anything very inspiring at all to write about today. Anyone who has known me for any period of time knows that I am VERY rarely at a loss for words. VERY VERY rarely. I guess every once in a while strange things happen and there's nothing we can do to explain them. I guess I could put down some random and/or odd quotes...

"Not today" ~ The Prestiege

"Once upon a time there was a magical land where it never rained. The end" ~ Holes

"Why do we fall, Bruce?" ~ Batman

"It's the frost. Sometimes it makes the blade stick." ~ Gladiator

"Rodents of unusual size? I don't believe they exist." ~ The Princess Bride

"This was once alive. It is a lizard or a mammal?" ~ Extreme Days

"Fool of a Took" ~ The Lord of the Rings

"Put your behind in the past" ~ The Lion King

"You are a sad, strange, little man" ~ Toy Story

"This reeks so bad I can't take it!" ~ Jonny Tsunami

"What's life if you never pull down your shorts and slide on the ice?" ~ Even Stevens

"Sick and wrong" ~ Kim Possible

"Santa Clause we never see..." ~ Annie

"It needs... Children" ~ Spy Kids

"I usually wear it." ~ Hoodwinked

"Don't repeat!" ~ Lizzie Mcguire

"Life stinks... then you die." ~ UNKNOWN

"If all else fails... Use potty humor" ~ My mom

"Mood ring, oh mood ring, oh tell me can you bring the key to unlock this mystery of girls and their emotions. Play it back in slow motion so I might understand the complex infrastructure known as the female mind." ~ Matthew Thiessen

(Hints about the two characters: One can be found in a story that was a book, then became a movie. The other can be found in a story that was a movie then later had books as spin-offs)


Daddy's lil girl said...

Some of those quotes were pretty funny! "Not today" is also on Toy Story. lol... You are a sad, strange little man... Put your behind in the past! lol we watched Lion King Friday. =P
See...even if it's not something deep or silly, you ALWAYS find SOMETHING to talk about. ;)

Randomanda said...

lol...Bethany and I were talking about doing a post with random quotes that we've said, but I don't think that many people would understand...

Anonymous said...

haha. i liked those!

Janie said...

"Rodents of unusual size? I don't believe they exist." ~ The Princess Bride. love that part...I was just about to do a post of quotees that I have found in books that I have read, great minds think alike.