Sunday, September 16, 2007


With all the movies I have seen, and all the books I have read. Two characters stand out to me and being some of my favorites of all time. What makes them my favorite you ask? The answer is simple. Imagination. These characters had brillaint imaginations (Though shunned by others) and used their imaginations to create their own unique "homes" for themselves. They used their imagination to take them wherever they wanted to go. One of them is a classic, and one of them is much newer, and slightly less acknowledged. They both strike me similarly, though they are found in different contexts. I myself have always enjoyed using my imagination to play games and write stories. It's one of my favorite things to do. I can read books and pretend I'm there. I can watch movies and do the same. I love stories that stimulate the imagination. The stories these characters are involved in do that. Maybe that's one reason that I enjoy Ted Dekker, Frank Peretti, J.R.R. Tolkien, and C.S. Lewis (In the Chronicles of Narnia) so much.
Who are these characters that I care for such much you ask? Instead of telling you outright. I'll use my imagination to give my blog readers clues as to who they are. You may already know who they are. When you think you have them figured out, just post your answers in a comment to one of my posts. When both of them have been guessed, I will post the correct answer in a new post. Have fun!!!


marnmic said...

Are they winne the pooh and tigger too?

marnmic said...

Could it be Shawn Spencer and Gus? You didn't say books or tv?


marnmic said...

hmm. could one be Aslan from Narnia?

marnmic said...

Peter Parker?