Friday, September 14, 2007


"I'm my own worst enemy.
I sink my teeth into the hand that feeds.
I curse and praise in the same breath.
Which man in the mirror is the one that's left?" ~ The Wedding in the song Schizophrenia on the cd Polarity

Many people live like Schizophrenics. They are double minded. Paul summerized it very well when he said something resembling, "I don't do the things I want to, and the things that I don't want to do, I do". There is good and evil inside all of us, saved or unsaved and it's like two personalities fighting for control of our lives. We may do something to honor God with one action, then turn around and do something dishonoring. It's like the Pharisees. They could talk the talk and follow all the rules, but they didn't really have the faith nessasary for salvation. They were the ones that ended up crucifying Jesus. People these days are very hypocritical. We say that we love God and say that we are Christians, but by our actions we deny that very fact. What kind of witness is that to someone who isn't a believer?

It's true that one will always sin on this earth because he has a sin nature and we are still living int he flesh, but we can't let the sin define who we are. We have to allow God to help our Schizoprenic state by allowing His Spirit to live through us. Only then can we be the witness we were called to be.

God doesn't want us to just serve Him with our mouths.
"If you love Me (God) then just love Me. Don't you give me pretty words. Lay your life down at the alter. Let Me see how serious you are." ~ The Wedding on the song The Call on the cd Polarity.

He wants us to serve Him with our lives. He wants us to let His love shine through us into the
darkened world and illuminate it.

(I realize that those songs aren't Scripture, but I think that the concepts from them are Biblically sound and help to show the point of my argument)

(On a much less serious note: Lol... I had to take a break from the Underoath titles because I'm running out of good ones to even come close to relating to my point... The closest one I could think of was "Writing on the Walls"... lol... So I just decided to use a title from The Wedding (A band that I actually like) because the title went so well with what I was trying to say.)


Daddy's lil girl said...

AMEN! That message on Wednesday night really got to ya huh? It was a really good message and got me thinking. It's so true, we always need to be a witness for God, and even when we sin, it can still be an example by how we handle it. Asking God for forgiveness, repenting, and apologizing for anything trouble caused, not only to God, but to others. I REALLY need to hear the songs from The Wedding!

Janie said...

So true. That is what we were talking about in youth group on Thursday. But really you can tell the tree from the frout it bears, and so we should be living like we are being watched every second of every day, because we are. You don't want to fit in with the world, that is like the worst thing, you want people to be like there is something different about them, what is it, I whant it.

Randomanda said...

We talk about this alot at youth group. One of the main problems with our high school group is that most of the kids in it just want to fit in with the rest of the can you be a witness if you look and act just like all the other people out there?...very good post.