Friday, September 14, 2007

My Uncle the Troy Bolton of the 70's

Okay... It's about time... I know you guys out there are getting sick of hearing my deep and intulectually (Spelling? lol) stimulating thoughts, so I decided that I would post something very light hearted. I recently found out some very interesting news. My Uncle David was the Troy Bolton of his high school. Lol... Actually I think I might have enough proof to sue Disney for taking the idea for Troy from my uncle. Here's the thing...:

1.) He was great looking and all the girls loved him. (The typical hottie superbomb) That alone isn't enough to prove my point though. I can think of a couple hottie superbombs off the top of my head... lol

2.) He was a school jock. (Of course his main sport was football). He set school records for football and still holds some of them (Interesting). Oddly enough however, he did play basketball for a short time... he was a starter on the team when they won the championship game... This is getting a little interesting now...

3.) The final crowd killer and proof for my case. My mom can't remember which year of high school this was, but one of his years guess what he did? HE STARED IN THE SCHOOL MUSICAL!!!! If that's not enough to prove Disney stole Troy Bolton right off my uncle, I don't know what is...


Unknown said...'s true...he was Troy Bolton in his high school...and I think he may have even had the same hair...because it was long in the front and went to the side right along his eyebrows...I'll see if I can get any pictures that you can post of it. Love you...

Daddy's lil girl said...

That is pretty stinking similar. Are you saying the 'hottie superbomb' syndrome somehow runs in the family?!?! lol

Janie said...

wow...that is weird...but way

Randomanda said...

lol..that's kinda freaky. I bet Disney stole the idea from him.