Tuesday, July 10, 2007

That Thing You Do

What could this be? ANOTHER MOVIE REVIEW! Hooray!
This wasn't anything super amazing or anything, but it was an okay movie. It was about the begginning of this little band's career that started with the name the "Oneders" (They eventually changed their name to the Wonders because people kept pronouncing it the "Oh-needers"). The story is the bands rise to fame, but mostly it is about the drummer, who replaces another guy at the beginning of the movie because he broke his arm. It is kinda strange, but it is a cool concept and makes for an okay movie.


Daddy's lil girl said...

Well I must say it was a shocker to hear about another movie..lol What's the movie called anyway?

AlreadyButNotYetResurrectedFallenMan said...

The movie is called "That Thing You Do". It was the name of the song that made them popular on the movie.

Daddy's lil girl said...

Ah... well duh! Silly me again...
I was wondering what you meant when you wrote that as the title for the post. That's just a weird title for a movie...