Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Last Day

This is our last day here at the Wilson's house. It has been a great week and I'm really going to miss everyone here. I totally wish we could stay longer! We're going to try and have as much fun today as legally possible. (lol) We don't really have anything planned, but that is when people have the most fun! I'm going to try and get a ton more pictures today to bring home. Boo Goodbyes!


Daddy's lil girl said...

I'm sorry this is your last day, but I am glad you're coming home! =) Oh yeah... when you have nothing to do is definetly when you have the most fun, I would know! lol Well hope you have a great last day there! =) Tell everyone hi for me.

Anonymous said...

i hope u have an amazing last day...i hate goodbyes...

Anonymous said...

We miss you guys already! You have been gone for about an hour now...everyone just finished crying, John was really upset...he's usually not like that...my dad just bought our plane tickets to see you guys in August/September! It looks like we'll be arriving on August 28th!

Anonymous said...

I can suggest a few non-legal ways to have fun. Kyle and I have been doing it for a couple of days now.
Glad you had fun, and Im glad your coming back. I'll see you on sunday man.