Friday, July 6, 2007

The Sideburns are Coming Back

I had to shave and cut my hair for Mexico (I still need to put a HUGE post about that... I wish there was more time in the day), but now that it is over, my hair is growing back out, and my sideburns are making a comback! I'm so happy... *sniff* I don't have to look like a twelve year old anymore! Booo baby face! Hooray Sideburns!


marnmic said...

The sideburns will be shaved by the end of the day today. :-)
Love ya!

Daddy's lil girl said...

Fantastic!!! That's great! And you didn't look like a twelve year old... just a thirteen year Your mom better not make you shave them again... the whole reason was because of the Mexico and now that it's over you just definetly keep them! =)

crashed yet lived said...

Side burns define who you are it would be a shame to lose them again.

Evolution Cruncher said...

Seriously you can’t lose the sideburns again…
Now if you think you looked like a 12 year old without them what do you think of your friends that don’t have sideburns?!?!?!?!?!?! lol