Friday, May 4, 2007

40th Post! Hooray or Spider-Man 3

Hooray... I've now reached my 40th post... I'm soooo excited!

I get to see Spider-Man 3 tonight... I'm sooooo excited about that too! I am a huge fan of the Spider-Man movies and Spider-Man is definitely my favorite super hero... The new one looks soo cool. When I get back I'm going to do a massive post on it... I'll try to not to give the movie away though :-)

(Note: The title was kind of a play on the old Rocky and Bullwinkle show... Does anyone else even know what that is?)


Daddy's lil girl said...

Sweet! That's great! It should be a really good I'll tell ya later about the 'villians.'
I've heard you talk about Rocky and Bullwinkle, but I don't understand the post....

crashed yet lived said...

now sully it would make me very happy if you dont give the plot away to spider man are a megalo maniac cracker jack hullinsina crack upidstay. =)

AlreadyButNotYetResurrectedFallenMan said...

Mr. Hithergot Thithergang,
Do you even know what a meglomaniac is? At least you could call me something nice like... Pyromaniac or something that is true like Aracnihphobe. Have you found out what any of your names mean?

crashed yet lived said...

according to websters new world dictionary megalomaniac meens 1. a mental disorder characterized by delusions of grandeur,wealth,power ect.
2. a passion for,or doing big things.
3. a tendency to exaggerate.
and sully thats what megalomaniac is.

AlreadyButNotYetResurrectedFallenMan said...

I knew what a megalomaniac was, but I don't think that you did before you looked it up on websters... mr. smithergooth

crashed yet lived said...

i already new what it ment my mom just suggested to use the definition from the dictionary to fix you =)