Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Fall and Winter

Ok... I wrote a long time ago about Jon Foreman of Switchfoot releasing some EPs over this year. As of now, two of the four part set (Named after the four seasons) have been released. I was pleasantly surprised when I walked into Divine Truth (My favorite store) yesterday and the first cd I saw happened to be a set of his first two EPs together. Since I didn't have them, and I love Jon Foreman (And since it was recommened by my best friend) I jumped at the opportunity to buy these set of cds. I must say that they are an amazing experience, with the only downside to them being their short length (But they are EPs. lol).
The first of the two was entitled "Fall". It started out with the song "The Cure for Pain". The feelings portrayed in this song are portrayed within all of Jon's songs. It is one of slight sorrow, but with a happy feel to it, very peaceful. The instrumentals on this disk were incredible and really would bring you into the feel of the song.
My favorite song on this disk would definately have to be the song "Southbound Train". The song starts with Jon's guitar chugging along like the sound of a train. His harmonica comes whistling in after the first few measures. It defiantely creates a peaceful train-like atmosphere. The words to this song are so sweet and the music so beautiful... Here are the lyrics and a video. The video doesn't do a good job of showing the part at the beginning (Where it sounds like a train), but it does show you how beautiful this song sounds! Even live, it is amazing!

Southbound Train
Oh, I guess they'll say I've grown
I know more than I wanted to know
I've said more than I wanted to say
I'm headed home
Yeah, but I'm not so sure
That home is a place
You can still get to by train
So I'm looking out the window
And I'm drifting off to sleep
With my face pressed up against the window pane
With the rhythm of my heart
And the ringing in my ears
It's the rhythm of the Southbound Train
Oh, and the wind starts to look like her hair
And the clouds in her bright blue eyes
As the sea and the shore fall and rise
Like her breast as she breathes by my side
And the moon is her lips as the sun
Is headed on down to the sea
Like her head as she lays down on me
Until we reach Oceanside
Over and over
I hear the same refrain
It's the rhythm of my heart
And my sleepy girl's breathing
It's the rhythm of my Southbound Train
Oh, I supposed they'll say I should've known
Or maybe I'm just feeling old
Like a lawyer
With no one to blame
I'm headed home
Yeah, but I'm not so sure
That home is a place
That will ever be the same
So we gather up our things
And we head out in the cold
And your eyes are where you carry the pain
When I haer the whistle weeping
Int's crying to th esky
It's the rhythm of my Southbound Train
It's the rhythm of my Southbound Train
Jon Foreman's second EP, called Winter, was just as amazing as the first, and is more like a continuation of the same feel. It starts off with one of my favorite songs called, "Learning How to Die" which I posted a while back ago if you want to see it. More of Jon Foreman's amazing lyrics are displayed with this cd. Also, a sort of Asian sound is demonstrated from a couple songs. Of all of Jon Foreman's songs that I've heard, here is the one with the best lyrics concerning spiritual matters, it is a beautiful song called "White as Snow". Here it is with the lyrics:

White as Snow
Have mercy on me, oh God
According to Your unfailing love
According to Your great compassion
Blot out my transgressions
Create in me a clean heart, oh God
Restore in me the joy of Your salvation
The sacrifices of our God are a broken and a contrite heart
Against You and You alone have I sinned
Would You create in me a clean heart, oh God
Restore in me the joy of my salvation
Wash me white as snow
And I will be made whole
Wash me white as snow
And I will be made whole
These cds are totally different from what I normally like to listen to on a regular basis, but they are so amazingly written and beautiful that I can't help but love them! I encourage anyone who loves music to buy these cds, they aren't rocky, or rap, they are beautiful melodies written from a man whom God has given much talent. Check them out for yourselves!


Randomanda said...

I really like both of these songs...actually, I like pretty much all of the songs on both cds. I can't wait for Spring and Summer to come out!

Janie said...

We got them on iTunes and put them on a cd reght away and listened to them on a loop for the longest time, I really like them. Sprng and Summer are bound to be great.

Anonymous said...

Never heard of them before - but my music tastes are now offially "old". I'm a Rich Mullins fan, a little Sara Groves action, and some of the greatest music ever by PFR (Pray for Rain). I would classify all as either old people music or old music in general. I'm old.

Yes, I'm Catholic said...

I'm old, too, but I love these EPs. I play them all the time. "White As Snow" won't leave my mind these past two days.

marnmic said...

Pray for Rain...yes I remember them. Michael needs to discover them. They are not old music, they are "classic"

Daddy's lil girl said...

Pretty sweet. I really like White as Snow.. the lyrics are great!

Colin said...

HA! I have 4 PFR albums...what does that make me, Mrs. Knipp? :-D

Hey, I did like White as Snow quite a bit. Interesting melody to it, and very good lyrics (Psalm 51 is just amazing!). :-)