Friday, December 14, 2007

Christmas Shopping!

My favorite version of this song, to be listened to while reading the post (Though it has nothing to do with the post itself:

Okay... I'm finally almost done Christmas shopping... I started late, but I caught myself up. All I need to buy is something for my dad (I still have no idea what I'm getting him). I am just one of those people that waits until a couple weeks before Christmas to start shopping... I guess I really am a procrastinator at heart.

How do you guys Christmas shop? Early or late? I want to see what the majority of my friends would say.


Colin said...

Considering that I still haven't started.... *cough*

Btw, this is my last week of school. We need to jam immediately afterwards. :-)

Daddy's lil girl said...

I don't usually shop early or late. I start after Thanksgiving and get everything as soon as possible. Sometimes I can't find that perfect thing for one person or another, but that's rare. I procrastinate for a lot of things, but I love Christmas shopping! =D

Randomanda said...

I try to start early...but I'm usually looking for the last gift like 3 days before Christmas. I only have one more to go now! Hopefully I can get it sometime this week.

Janie said...

How wonderful it must be to drive! I started this year about a week before Thanksgiving, got one thing, and didn't get a chance to go out again till this week. But I only have the grandparents to do now.