Monday, September 24, 2007

The Things People Do When They Are Bored

So I was sitting in my Metro class with nothing to do, (We had finished a test and the other half of the room was still taking it and the teacher was grading, so we were sitting there doing nothing. I tried to talk to the guy next to me, but it's hard to talk in a completely quiet room when you're the only one trying to talk... It pretty much amplifies everything, so instead I made up a little code using numbers from bianary and english letters... Lol... Too much time, but it's kinda fun. If you want me to send you the rules for using it, just post a comment saying that you want them and I'll get them to you somehow. Here's a little sample of it:

English: The Fabulous Fegan Floop

Code: 11111_10011_10000*10001_1100_1101_100000_10111_11010_100000_11110*10001_10000_10010_1100_11001*10001_10111_11010_11010_11011.

Of course, you could always try and decode it yourself, but it's easier if I send you the solutions... lol


Daddy's lil girl said...

lol that's pretty funny, and neat. Yeah, I'd like to see the code for it. How much time did you have in there anyway?! =P

Randomanda said...

You must have been really bored! Could you send me the solutions?