Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Casting Such a Thin Shadow

Isn't it interesting how different people have different perceptions on the same event? For example, two people can hear a song and have totally different opinions about it and sometimes even descriptions about what the song meant. Two people can read the same book and have totally different takes on what the books purpose or main emphasis was.

Isn't it interesting how one can twist a false thought in his mind to the point where it becomes true in his mind? If you tell yourself something over and over again, you will eventually start to believe it. If one tries to explain this twisted thought to another, it appears lunacy to the second party.

Isn't it interesting how two people that are close to each other, can have completely different feelings about someone else they both know? Me and my best friend could both know the same person who I may love, and he may hate. Each person develops their own taste in others personalities.

Isn't it interesting how people can feel completely different about each other? One person may completely despise me, and I may love them as close as any brother. People don't always have mutual feelings for each other.

Isn't it interesting how quickly people's feelings can change? It is possible to be happy one moment then the next moment be completely depressed. Emotions are always changing.

Perceptions, thoughts, emotions... they are all very interesting...

(On the same much less serious note: There is a specific common factor between this title and 3 of my other posts. No one has yet to name the factor.)


marnmic said...

hmmm...that's a puzzle.
Which blog titles...the last three or last four?
I love you sug!

Janie said...

what happened, or do you just go on about things like that???
Yes people are different in so many ways and strange (some more then others), I sometimes wonder how people can do/think/watch/eat/say/like things, really makes you think.

Underoath songs?? (the blog titles)

Randomanda said...

I think about this alot...probably too much...lol

Bethany...you weren't supposed to tell...