Monday, August 20, 2007


Okay... This is the story:
My friend Kersey and I LOVE to sing. We sing all the stinking time (Ask anyone). There are tons of songs that we both know and love to sing together, however there are songs that one of us knows that the other does not. I sing a lot of Anberlin stuff (And other various songs that I hear weird places, or watch on Rock Block) that Kersey doesn't know, and he listens to a lot of oldies that I don't know. Well... One of the songs that he used to sing a lot was called "One" (By Three Dog Night). It should be called "One is the Lonliest Number", but I think the original title might just be One... Anyway, he would always sing this, but I had never heard it and didn't really think much of it. Until Hawaii... We listened to this one oldies station on the radio and this song came on. Kersey of course was really happy because he loved it, but I had never heard it before. To put a long story short, I fell in love with this song! It's pretty amazing! I decided I should share it with my friends over my blog, so here it is:


Janie said...

that song really gets stuck in my head, its cool

crashed yet lived said...

This is a really great song I love it.^_^

Daddy's lil girl said...

Interesting song. =) You'd never know that was an oldie, especially from the video, those guys are stylin! LOL Neat song though.