Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Bourne Ultimatum

I just watched this movie last night. First of all, let me say this about the movie. It had a major major downside. Language. All three of these movies have a problem with it (The first one the most), but this one followed the bad trend and had quite a bit of a it. If this movie didn't have that, it would have been SOOOO much better. The biggest problem with this movie (At least the other two had this problem) was that even when they come out on DVD, the format they are in restricts TV guardian from working. (So you have to hear it anyway) That part of the movie pretty much bit. On the other hand,
The sweet intense plotline from the other two movies continues in this edition. You are on the edge of your seat pretty much the whole movie in awe of the brilliance of Jason Bourne as he tried to unravel the mysteries of his forgotten past, while avoiding everything the CIA has to send at him by outsmarting or destroying all of their methods. His brilliance resonates so much that some parts of the movie are actually pretty stinking funny! You're just like... "How the heck did he know to do that? He's a genius?"
The biggest letdown to me about the second movie (The Bourne Supremacy ?Spelling?) was that it didn't have very much action. The sweet plot was still there, but all the action was gone. This movie was a major improvement improvement especially in the action department. There were some major sweet fights and carchases in this one too.
There is room for a sequel, however, the movie is made so it could be the last in the series (providing the movie doesn't do well in the public eye). I personally hope they make a sequel though.


Janie said...

That sounds like a cool movie, take away the language. It would be so weird to know things and not know how you know them.
"Who's the only one here who knows the illegal ninja moves from the government?"

Daddy's lil girl said...

Sounds like a sweet movie! I need to still all of them still. But language does get on my nerves, ask anyone in school! lol I love movies that make you sit on the edge of the seat! =D

crashed yet lived said...

Ya that was such a sweet movie, but my favorite part was the very ending.
I can't tell you people about it because some of you haven't seen it yet,so i don't want to ruin it for you people.

Unknown said...

Hey there...on Sunday I saw the first one. I think later this week we are going to watch the second one, so we can see the third one in the theaters. It was a pretty good movie, but I have to agree with you about the language.

Maddie Monk said...

Sounds like a cool movie cant wait to watch it with you and mom plus dad.