Sunday, July 8, 2007

Props to My Man Kersey for Entering the 20th Century

The inevidable has finally happened. My bro Kersey has finally begun sending emails just for fun! He has recently begun emailing various friends of his for no particular reason at all! I recieved one today and was shocked yet excited! My friend has finally taken my advice and is taking hold of technology! Propers to him!

Note: Thank you to all my other friends that started using email way back when it started and have been able to communicate much more often with me because of it!


Daddy's lil girl said...

Good job Kersey! It's about time he realized that email is one of the most amazing things on earth...though it just doesn't cut it when you're used to talking to someone in real life..LOL And in response to the 'note:' You're welcome! =)

crashed yet lived said...

lol kersey is turning into one of us.
Computer just joking about the geek part.^_^

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have discovered that email is a beautiful tool