Monday, July 9, 2007

The Prestiege

"There are three parts to a magic trick..." was how the movie started out. It was a movie about two magicians and their lives. I know I said this about clue, but this is now the strangest movies I have ever seen! However, this is probably one of the coolest and deepest movies I have ever seen as well! It was so way amazing! You may think you have it figured out, or you may just have no idea what's going on, but at the end, no matter how much you know, you will be shocked and everything will come together. It was very cool! The hardest part to understand is that the movie takes place in three time zones: Present time, one guy reading another guys journal, and the guy in the guys journal (It's his journal that's being read) is reading the first guy's (The one who's reading the journal) journal. Needless to say, it maybe a little confusing at first, but at the end of the movie you will be shocked!
Amazingly there wasn't a lot of language. There were some words, but the movie wasn't rated for language, and there wasn't that many foul words. I was impressed! (Though none would have been way better)
You guys need to see this movie. It is one of the coolest I have ever seen!


Daddy's lil girl said...

Lol what is with you and all these movies!? You should bring 'em all back here so we can watch them. =D

Anonymous said...

i saw this movie a little while ago, and it was way took me till the last 15 min of the movie to figure it was really good because it was unique--almost every movie out is either a remake, a spin-off, or a it is good to have something new

Anonymous said...

I really need to see that movie, I have heard from another source that it is really good. That shouldn't be too hard for you to figure out. I'm thinking movie night...?