Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Wedding and Polarity

If you haven't heard of The Wedding, then you are really missing out. (If you've listened to my recording of the song "But A Breath" that is on the Imagine Cup Winners website under the Just Chillin' page, that song was originally done by The Wedding.) They are a Christian band that I'm pretty sure is based around the East (I'm guessing ARK) and this May they had their second cd come out. I looked everywhere for it, but couldn't locate it. I was so unhappy. I have their first cd (self-titled) and I loved it. It was amazing, with love songs and songs that talked about things spiritual. They won my award for best first cd by a band ever (Even passing my absolute favorite band of all time, Switchfoot). Their cd can be bought at Wal-Mart for only $10. I guess that's one of the good things about liking a band that nobody knows much about. You can get their cds for cheap. Anyway, I just bought their new cd, Polarity, the other day and I love it! I think that my favorite tracks right now are "Say Your Prayers" and "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead". Say Your Prayers is a song written from God talking to the church today. One of my favorite lines from it is in the chourous where it says, "You wanna walk with me? Do ya?... If you love Me, then just love Me. Don't you give Me pretty words. Lay your life down at the alter. Let Me see how serious you are." This line has really made me think a lot the last couple days... The other one, I'll Sleep When I'm Dead, talks about spiritual warfare and begins with a little intro on the bagpipes (Thanks to a member of Flatfoot56, whose music I really want to listen to). It is really really cool too!
There is a bonus track after the last song on the cd that is pretty cool. It is about Arkansas. It is really funny, but I don't want to give everything away... Just go out and buy the cd! It's only $10!
Their webiste can be found at .


Daddy's lil girl said...

Wow that does sound like a really good cd! I'll have to check it out =)

Anonymous said...

the wedding is amazing but that is no excuse for getting their songs stuck in my head for the better part of a week!!!!!!!!!