Friday, May 25, 2007

Pirates of the Carribean III: At World's End

Well... I thought this would be a normal movie description like I would give to my friends about all the movies I see, but this movie was a little different.
I walked out of the movie theatre not knowing whether I liked the movie or not... It was the absolute weirdest and not predictable movie that I have seen in my entire life... I don't know whether I loved it, hated it, or something in betweened it.
I will say that it is quite grusome... There is a lot more nasty things that happen. The beginning of the movie shows a ton of pirates getting hanged... I know I wouldn't recommend it for younger children.
I don't think that there was a lot of language in it. That's a plus...
One of the weirdest (I'm not sure whether I liked it or not) things about the movie was that I really had no idea what was happening until about 1:45 into the movie. It took forever for the plot to develop. It kept me guessing... One plus was that the movie was nearly 3 hours long... I love long movies!
There were quite a few funny things in the movie... A lot of them were plays on other lines from the other two though...
I will say that it was a lot better than the second one... Which I didn't care for too much because it was mainly just a really long intro to the third one. To say whether I liked it as much as the first one, I would have to see it a couple more times. Intead of trying to enjoy the movie, mostly I was trying to understand the plot.
I'm not quite sure whether I liked the ending though... Not the very ending (Which pretty much closes things up really well), but I don't know if I really liked how everything panned out... Kinda weird really...
Another weird thing about it was that the movie spends a lot of time building on the plot of this one character, then when the character comes into play, it is never seen again... I'm not sure I get it?...
Overall, it was just a weird experience, but people who want to know what happens to their favorite pirates should see it!


crashed yet lived said...

Dont worry michael i plan on seeing it.^_^

Anonymous said...

I saw it last night also..I wasn't sure if I liked it or not either...I'll have to watch it again. But I must say it was very interesting to see all the people in costume waiting in line...and I thought Beth was obsessed...

Daddy's lil girl said...

Hm... sounds very interesting. I'll have to see it, but the 2nd one was really weird...

Anonymous said...

I totally agree I didn't know what was gonna happen next.


Evolution Cruncher said...

Yeah it was defiantly weird...

Unknown said...

Hey there question...did you wait until all the credits had roled? Just wondering...that was worth it for me to sit there through the 3 hours of the movie...was what was shown after those LONG credits. Let me know if you have seen that part. Love ya...Aunt PEZ