Sunday, May 6, 2007


Okay... I was gonna let it go, but I decided that since this is my blog I can make some requests. There have been some anonymous comments posted on my blog that I have no idea from whom. I request that if you post on my blog, which I love when people do, you at least leave some way for me to contact unless you fall under one of the following conditions:

1. You are in the WPP (Witness Protection Program) and you need to keep your identity safe

2. You absolutely would like to remain anonymous for reasons unknown to me, but are extremely important

3. You're skitsofrantic and you have problems that I won't even try to describe

4. You're merely posting on my site out of pity

5. You have the strong desire to make me guess at things...

6. I have no idea who you are

7. You don't actually believe Jeremiah was a bullfrog

8. The monkey man actually does have a place in the circle of confusion

9. Your body is being used by a symbiote, and you are becoming inexplicably evil and become a jerk so all members of the human race

10. You have a strong fear of being acknowledged

11. You have lost your identity and girlfriend and everyone is trying to kill you and you just happened to find my blog and decided to post on it to be friendly or relay a secret code to a secret friend who is living in the Himalayas in a secret shack where he poaches ginormous polar bears and uses the money to buy snow cones for his son who has a sugar addiction and has problems breathing because he is so fat that he can't even stand up out of his chair that he has been sitting in for 2 years while he looks out the window and watches penguins swim around in the water.

12. You are a member of VFD

13. You are a member of Organization XIII

14. You have direct permission from me

Unless you fall under one of those 14 clauses then I request that you at least let me know who you are when you post something... Peace!


Daddy's lil girl said...

OH yes Michael I'm definetly posting on your blog out of pity, and I LOVE to make you guess #11 made me laugh...I'll bet there's someone posting who really has that happening in their life.=)

P.S. I loved the "peace!"

crashed yet lived said...

im sorry. im from Organization XIII
i cant tell which member i am but i wont take my user name away.the rest of the organization dont know i post on blog spot.snicker snicker giggle giggle ha ha.

Anonymous said...

What if you fall under all 14?

AlreadyButNotYetResurrectedFallenMan said...

I guess if you fall under all 14 of my clauses then you can definitely continue posting anonymously on my blog... And, I'm sorry about your girlfriend...

Anonymous said...

Yeah she was nice while she lasted but i guess she couldn't handle the other 6 girlfriends and my boyfriend.... that must be why everybody is trying to kill me and why i'm in the Witness Protection Program. lol