Thursday, April 5, 2007

The "True" Kingdom Hearts Story

If you know me at all then you should know that one of my favorite video games are the games in the Kingdom Hearts series. I don't know what it is about the deep epic storyline, amazingly memorable characters, mixed with my favorite Disney movies that makes me like the game, but nevertheless, I do. Anyway... there are some videos on the internet that kind of make fun of these games. I think that everyone needs to see these videos because they are stinking hilarious!!! They are known as the Kingdom Hearts Chronicles. They are pretty easy to find on the internet so I haven't provided a link, but the names of the episodes are, "Kingdom Hearts Chronicles 1.1, Kingdom Hearts Chronicles 1.2, and Kingdom Hearts Chronicles 1.3". They should be watched in sequencial order. 1.2 wasn't the best, but 1.1 is pretty funny and 1.3 is stinking funny! (But you still have to watch 1.2 to get the whole thing) If you are familiar w/ the games then it will be even funnier, but if you aren't, ask me about it... I have time...

1 comment:

crashed yet lived said...

you think you so smart i smarter than you i have kingdomhearts 2 so eat that lol. and i still havent seen the kingdomhearts chronicals yet lol