Friday, April 27, 2007

Letters about the Hammack's Trip

Our long time friends from way back, the Hammack's, left yesterday. They came last Thursday and stayed here for the week. It was the coolest thing being able to see them again. I'll give a little overview of their trip from my perspective.
My mom picked me up w/ Bekkah in the car as a surprise... It was really cool being able to see her again, but I tried not to act too surprised... Showing emotion is unmanly... We didn't say much on the way home or the rest of that day to tell the truth. My mom said I was acting all weird... It's not that I was doing it on purpose, it's just that it was weird having a (another) girl in the house.
The second day we hit it off pretty well. The only thing that was different than when we were little was that we didn't fight as much, and I was allowed to drive. We got to go out to eat and go to the store and stuff, but I think a lot of the time that we drove around, I was running errands... sigh... so goes the life of a teenager.
It was really weird being able to hang out w/ a girl. Sure people kept thinking that we were "together", but neither of us liked each other more than a good close friend. That was also really cool. I've never been able to open up to a girl my age and talk that well. She has become a very special friend to me, and now that she left back for Texas I have been in a very depressed mood. I have decided to write some letters to people that were involved in making this trip possible (lol)... the sponsers as it were, but first I thank God for it. He was the one that made all of it possible, for all good things come from God.
Now... I have some letters to the rest of the physical sponsors:

To Josh (Bekkah's boyfriend):
I know that you were probably not happy about the fact that Bekkah spent almost every waking moment w/ another guy, or the fact that we had a blast, or the fact that we did everything together, or the fact that we have known each other forever, or the fact that Bekkah called you Michael on the phone that one night, or the fact that she is a closer friend to me than any other girl right now. You are probably not happy that they got to stay another day here either, but the truth is... It's not like Bekkah was going to somehow fall in love with me... Do you know me? Obviously you don't or you would know that I am a very rude and inconsiderate person. People don't fall in love with me like that. The other thing is... I wasn't going to fall in love with Bekkah either. It is true that she is not the ugliest girl in the world, but she doesn't eat anything, she is extremely picky about what she does eat when she does, she took two hours to get ready to go to popeyes and a store (we weren't going anywhere important). I also know that she has a boyfriend already and that alone would make me back off. So I sign of my letter to you with:
Josh... You can have her

To Kaitlyn (I hope I spelled your name right):
It was really cool being able to see you again too. You're so funny how you crack yourself up and your laugh makes everyone else laugh to. I'm glad that you kept my sister occupied while you were here or she probably would have tried to hang around me and Bekkah all the time. Even though you were mean (You tried to throw things at my head and you tried to make me shut up every time I was singing) it was cool seeing you again and I'm going to miss having you around.

To Mr. Hammack:
Thank you for letting your family come down to see us. I'm sure you were probably worried about the trip up and back and all that, but I'm glad that they were able to come down here. It would have been cool being able to see you again too. Also, Bekkah said that you were an extremely good dancer and I would like to see that sometime.

To Bekkah:
It was extremely cool to see you guys again. I had a blast while you were down here. Thank you for the great time. One of my favorites was the movie... Thank you for letting me see it! It's one of my favorites now. Also, thank you for sharing so much with me. I've never had such personal convorsations with a female type humanoid. Also, thank you for listening to me. Never before have a had a girl listen to as much monologing (spelling?) as I did while you were here. I wish it could have lasted longer, but I know you have a life and a boyfriend and such. I'm just glad that it happened at all. It's been really depressing not having someone to talk to wherever I go (the first thing I had to do this morning was go on base and run errands... and yes... I still parked far away). I'm glad that we got to have so much fun together. Also, thank you for being nice to all the weirdo's that I call friends. They can be pretty strange sometimes, but they mean no harm. Thank you for singing with me. I've never got to sing with such a talented singer before. You sooo need to record things... You could make some money w/ that voice. Thank you also for lying to me to make me feel better (about singing, rapping, and everything else you lied about). Your guys trip was Hardcore! Peace!

To Mrs. Hammack:
You're one of the coolest moms that I know. Thank you for bringing the girls down. I know you were stressing out a lot while you were here, but I enjoyed talking to you. I don't know why, but I've always been able to talk openly to you. You're almost like a second mom. You're also very funny! I know my mom enjoyed the time she got to spend w/ you. One of my biggest thanks is for not letting my mom get crunk with me as much as she would have. You kept me out of more trouble than I would have been in.

To My Friends Here in Nebraska:
Thank you guys for being kind to the company that we had the last week. The way they talked about you, you were pretty nice to them. They needed that since I was so mean... lol...

To the Hammack's Friends in Texas:
I would love to meet you guys sometime. Bekkah told me soo much about you guys. You all sound like nice people. Thank you for putting up with the Hammacks being gone for a week.

To the People that Gave Me Weird Looks When I Went to Wal-Mart Wearing My OJ Simpson Gloves and My Berret:
What are you looking at?

To the People at Popeyes Who Gave Me Free Food:
You ROCK!!! I loved the food. I haven't been there in like.... 50,000,000 years. I need to go there more often. I forgot how amazing your food is.

To the Ask a Ninja Guy:
What do you think about TMNT?

To People that Read My Blog but Don't Post Anything:
Oh c'mon... You're already here... Don't be lazy... post something... anything...

To the Makers of Extreme Days:
That movie Rocked hard! It is definately one of my favs now... I'm going to have to let all my friends see it!

To Underoath, Demon Hunter, Disciple, and all the other heavier bands:
You guys scare me... but thank you for letting me have something to say when I want to say something rocks hard.

To the creators of Yoshi Island:
That game rocks... I hate the music though...

To the makers of Monkey Island:
That is one of my favorite games of all time. I wish you would make more like it. I would definately be willing to buy back into the puzzle game genre. Besides, how can you get a better character name than "Guybrush Threepwood"?

To the People that actually read all of these letters:
Be thankful that I stopped here because I could go on forever, but thank you for actually taking the time to be such hardcore readers of my blog... Leave a comment!


Anonymous said...

wow!! it sounds like you had a lot of fun! i can tell you make friends were ever you go! lol
miss you guys!

Daddy's lil girl said...

I didn't read all of them but I read most of them, wow did you spend like two hours writing all that?.... but I'm glad you had fun! The Hammacks are pretty amazing people and I'm glad I got to meet them! =) And try not to be depressed, smile! =)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Michael. I enjoyed our time together (it was hardcore), but it passed too quickly. I'm very impressed with the young man you've become. Thanks for being so nice to Bekkah in spite of her girliness. We'll miss you.

crashed yet lived said...

micheal how could not like yoshi music it rocks but since your not cultured it makes sense why you dont like it

Anonymous said...

That sounds like allot of fun! I did actually read the whole

Mark C said...

Those are great letters!!! Glad you had a blast with them in town!