Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter Sunday

He is Risen!
Okay... This is the first real time I've had to sit down at my blog since Easter Sunday so I'm going to talk about it now... First of all, Christ is RISEN!!! Hooray... W/out Christ raised, our faith is useless... life would be meaningless and we would have to believe that we all came by accident and there is no purpose to life... How depressing... Thank God for His Son!
Our Sunday message was talking about just that... W/out Christ risen... there is nothing to hope for... The message was sooooo good! I was about to get a little charismatic and jump and yell "Hallelujah! Amen! Preach It Preacher!"
After the service we went downstairs to a wonderful smell. The church's easter meal. I grabbed one of everything and stacked it up on my plate! Ooooh it was good! Thank's to all the people who brought food! IT was extremely lucious!
That afternoon me and a bunch of my friends went to a park and played some two-hand touch football. It was great... I was shocked... I scored 5 touchdowns... I've never played football like that before... I'm going to have to do it more often.
After football I went out w/ two of my buds and had some ice cream at TCBY... It was a good Easter!
He Is Risen Indeed!


Daddy's lil girl said...

Amen! That sermon was fantastic! The Easter meal was really good...lol... that was so funny with the comparision of the amounts of food of you and Smith! lol See you are good at football you just didn't know it.... =)
Christ is risen indeed! Praise God!

Colin said...

"Almost got charismatic"
All during Easter, 1 Corinthians 15 was running through my head. Great stuff!!!