Monday, March 5, 2007

Something I Need to Get Off My Chest

Have you ever had the nagging feeling that something incredibly painful, unwanted, and massively uncool will happen inevidably. That's what I'm feeling now.
A long long time ago, in a galaxy far away, I didn't have a care in the world. I was a free little kid. I had friends, I was homeschooled, things were going good. When a met a new family though, something was different. We found out that this family would be moving after four years of staying in Nebraska. We became close to this famiy. When they moved away, it was crushing. We have kept in touch, but it was incredibly painful to have them move away.
A new family moved here not too too long ago. We have recently becomed friends with them and are getting to know them better. Nothing wrong with that right... everyone needs friends... Here's the thing... they are moving in two years. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place... is it worth getting to know them, becoming very good friends with them only to have the happiness ripped when they move? This is the question I have been thinking about of late. Why should people ever make friends? There will be sometime when they must be seperated. The real question is: Is the friendship worth the pain?
Whatever the answer to the question is, I still seem to be getting closer to all my friends here. I am going to college in a few years. This is not good. I will have to leave everything I have ever known. When I get to college, I will make friends there, who I will leave behind. Is this worth it?
There are times when I don't want to try to make new friends at all, but then I think. I remember all the times that I had such a great experience with my friends. It was one of the best things to ever happen to me. I still have the memory of being with that friend, even though it still hurts to think about them.
I believe it all comes down to the coloprializm (no idea how to spell that) "It is better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all". I believe this rule applies to friendships too.
Though this may seem hard to believe because of the inevidable pain, I believe it is true. It is better to have been friends for a short time, then to have never had a friend. Besides, it's not like we still can't communicate over the phone or something... but it's still not the same...
Maybe I'm just rambling... I just don't know...


Bekkah said...

Well, I guess it's nice to know that it didn't bother you so much when your other friends moved away. What are we, chopped liver? You gave me your martian shirt..........I thought that meant something.
I still miss you, even if you are harsh.

marnmic said...

Well, it is worth making friends. Life is better in the long run when you have shared it with special people than to never have had those relationships. Aunt Leah once loaned me a book called The Seasons of Friendship or something like that, and it was a beautiful book that kinda related to this post. Hang in there, Mikey. Life is hard but God is so good!
I love you!

Daddy's lil girl said...

who was that new family that moved in a few months ago? Nupson? email me back. And yes it is totally worth having friends even though it hurts. Pete sake. I do it every few years!