Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Here's What's Happening Today...

So I just got done shooting some hoops outisde. It's about 60 today so it was good sports weather. I thought I'd come inside and update my blog though.

Well, the other night we had the homeschool familes over like I said. It was pretty fun. Smith came over and we hung out for a while then when the younger girls finished (rather, got bored) with their jobs we all had a game of hide-and-go-seek. We were supposed to be playing manhunt but their was some cheating going on and their was no jail so it was pretty much a glorified game and hide-and-go-seek. Since I was the oldest I got to be the captain which was pretty cool, but since Smith was the second oldest he had to be the other captain. With the exception of Smith and my brother, I had all the good players on my team, yet we didn't do so well, because the only time that we got to seek, I overlooked Smith and Marcus because I wasn't on my guard. I guess that's just what happens when you don't think straight.

The same night, I had my cousin Micah, send me the tabs to a song that his band, Losing 76 plays called "Broken Possibilities". It's a pretty fun song to play... I should do a cover of it sometime.

Tonight is youth group at my church. I love youth group. Our teacher, Mr. Long, (Jr. for clarification) is also the song leader at our church. He's a pretty cool guy. Right now we're doing a study on I Corinthians. It's very interesting and I have learned a lot. One of my favorite Bible passages is I Corinthains 13 (The love chapter for those of you who don't know). I can't wait until we get there in class.

Thinking about covers, I haven't recorded a song that I've put on the web for quite a while now. I should make one soon. We have a family known as the Hammacks visiting us next month (I failed to mention in my "Something I Need to Get Off My Chest" post that I also miss them. There are many other families that I didn't mention, I just used one as an example for brevity) and when they do I plan on possibly recording "Rebirthing" (Skillet). I also want to record one of the new Five Score and Seven Years Ago songs. I am thinking about either "Must Have Done Something Right" or "The Best Thing" (both of which are sunshiney happy songs which happen to reflect the mood I've been in lately.) I will have to see about that.


Anonymous said...

Nice save, Michael. :-) How could you help but miss me......I rock.
Anyway, we'll definitely have to do Rebirthing while I'm there.

Daddy's lil girl said...

definetly do "Must have done something right" it's like one of the best songs ever! I love it! =)