Thursday, June 12, 2008

Just FYI

To whom it may concern, "The Story in the Dream" that I've been working on for a while has finally come to an end. The entire first and very rough draft in complete. Thanks to all the readers who gave me comments along the way and who supported me most, just by reading it. (Also, NO thanks to those who didn't... haha) It's really poorly written and full of all kinds of grammar and spelling mistakes, but you guys kept reading through it anyway. I myself, am happy, as this is the first longer story (Though it is actually VERY short) that I have ever stuck with and completed. If anyone would like to be involved in helping me edit it, then they can help in any way they feel led. Someday I would eventually like to clean this up and use it for SOMETHING. Anyway, just wanted to say that I posted the 8th and last chapter, and also the Epilogue... Thanks readers! I hope you enjoyed it!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

A Very Funny Video

So to all you who like funny videos with Christian artists in them, here's another one for you:
It turns out during the Portable Sounds tour (I know that was a while ago... ) Tub-o (Some of you might recognize that name) made this music video for Toby's song "Feeling So Fly". It is pretty stinking funny and has all the people who participated in the Portable Sounds tour in it (TFK, The Diverse City Band, Building 429, FF5, as well as the sound guys, stage guys, etc). Check it out ya'll