Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It Has Been Done...

The inevitable has happened, I went to the barber shop. As were the wishes of my mother, I had to get my hair cut into a flat top and shave both my sideburns and my weenie gotee. I have lost all facial hair and most of my head hair. My mom told me to do it because when I go to Mexico for the missions trip this Friday it will be easier if i don't have to do anything to my hair, but I am still sad nevertheless... I miss every single hair... I named them all... I cried while I got my hair cut... (Well... I didn't really, but I might have if I wasn't watching Ice Age II in the barber chair) and when I shaved, I called out each hairs name as it fell to the deadly blade of my razor... Fairwell my friends...


crashed yet lived said...

When is the memorial service going to be held? Sorry about your hair.='(

Daddy's lil girl said...

Oh my word! That's sooo wrong! I'm telling ya, you had NICE hair and I can't believe she made you get rid of the side burns too! I'm very, very sorry... I'll have to speak with your mother...

Anonymous said...

How sad! I'm so so sorry!

Evolution Cruncher said...

NO! Not the hair!!!!

Anonymous said...

when u showed up at my door with that hair cut, i had no clue what to say....i havent seen u with a flat-top since 4th or 5th grade.....que lastima