Wednesday, May 9, 2007

My Dad's B-day or My Piano Rectial

This Friday is my dad's 40th birthday. I'm excited for him. (Even though I call him old... lol) He has been trying to guess what we are getting him. The other day he was spraying everyone w/ water who wouldn't tell him what it was... needless to say, we were all pretty wet. The only unfair part is I don't know what he's getting yet, so he didn't really have an excuse to shoot me...

This Friday is also my piano recital... I'm kinda nervous, but hey... It's not like I'm playing for a judge or something. I'm just playing in front of a bunch of people some of whom know me... No pressure... I get to play a pretty cool Amazing Grace duet w/ my good pal Jared. I'm thinking about the possibility of someday recording that...


crashed yet lived said...

come on micheal the answer is obvious
go to your dads birthday party its the right thing to do.

Anonymous said...

Tell your dad happy birthday for me!

Anonymous said...

Good luck on your piano recital.

Daddy's lil girl said...

Lol, that was a good comment Josh..
I'm really excited for your dad too! This truly is a 40's year. Everyone's turning 40. The party better be jk I know it will be.
I can't wait for the recital, sounds really good. =) lol...That's Amazing Grace will be sweet I'm sure...

AlreadyButNotYetResurrectedFallenMan said...

Note to Josh: I'm going to both, but I agree w/ you. If I had to choose between the two it would definitely be my dad's b-day party.
Note to Amanda: I will tell him, and thanks...