Monday, March 5, 2007

Michael Buble

I recently visited a blog made by a friend of mine. She had a post talking about how good Michael Buble is. I'm not saying that he has a bad voice or anything, but have you ever heard a guy say that he liked Michael Buble? I sure haven't. It seems to me that the only people that like Michael Buble are female type humanoids... If you are a guy that likes him, please tell me.

1 comment:

Bekkah said...

Man, sounds like your friend knows what she's talking about.
So I'm a girl, but I do know of 2 guys (manly guys, not girly guys) who love his voice. In fact, one of my friends, Seth, says that if he could have anyone's voice in the world, it would be Michael Buble's voice. And the other day, I was tanning at the salon while litening to my MB cd and heard another song by him coming from the room next to me. As I was coming out of my room, I bumped into the guy that had been in that room. A chat about MB ensued, and he thinks his voice is awesome. So there.